
Literary Pursuits

I've been on a fashion-related literary pursuit. These are some of my favorite books this month. Coincidentally, the pink one is my journal, but like Oscar Wilde said ,"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train." Its hard not to agree.

owl kisses
Follow The Chic That Happened


  1. i definitey have to pay my local book store another visit. super soon!
    those books look like they're full of amazingness.

    if you’re interested – i’m hosting a pretty rad giveaway.
    xx // themerrimari.blogspot.com

  2. me gusto el blog un beso

  3. Ooh these all look so lovely! That Oscar Wilde quote is wonderful - I find I always want to write down a ton of notes from each book I read myself! xo


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owl kisses

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