
Just Quote Oscar Wilde

Ah....Fashion Week is scattered about the media-frenzy world like a plague leaving its imprint of everyone, even people who don't care about it in the least. So far, my addiction has been fed, my brain is making little circles on what I like and don't, and the philosophical part of me is holding her chin up thinking about it all.

There's so many personal style, fashion, life, food, etc, etc blogs out there, looking back at my first post I realized: A blog really is everyone's new shiny toy, but then a little light bulb went off and the simplest thing came to mind. A blog is a platform, a place where you can really lay down your opinion, its a way of having a voice- a voice that more often than not will be heard. There's something marvelous about that. I know, you're probably thinking ," Didn't she know this from the beginning?" But when I started my blog I thought it would be a platform for me to learn, to immerse myself completely in style and fashion. Now its just become limitless! It's like my blog is that old vintage convertible from the 50's and I've got a full tank of gas to go anywhere in the world, I mean when you think about it, it just makes you want to say : WOW! With all of that long paragraph in mind, I've decided that everything I write here is going be meaningful. I've only got one chance to say something and I don't want it to be, " This is my favorite, because its pretty". Don't get me wrong, sometimes saying something like that is really all that can sum a piece of clothing best, but I am- from now on- committing myself to really get into the details and use those vocabulary words ingrained in my literary, sartorial heart. After all, the details are always the best part of any story and this...this is my story.

Okay now that I've got that out of my system! Ah! Don't you just want to scream when you see everything! Its almost too much to bear, sometimes I think I might explode from all the incoming information, whilst my eyes study every detail as much as they can before the next show's pictures are up! The rush of fashion week- enough to feed a group of fashion interns for a week! There's so much to get into, but I feel as though that will be the sweetest slice of my cake- so I'm leaving it for it last.

For now, I'd like to shed light on one of the most amazing fashion illustrators I have ever come across. His stuff is sort of mind-blowing. You know when you get so excited to watch a Tim Burton movie because of the way he mixes this dark, almost gothic touch with fairytales? Achraf Amiri is sort of like that. Not only are his drawings clever, witty, entertaining, they are wrapped with a beautiful sheet of dark humor and alas its what makes them all the more fun.

He regularly updates his blog with new illustrations and they really are a treat every time! I recommend his blog as well as his drawings to anyone willing to indulge in the dark side of fashion!



1 comment:

  1. ooh wow love those illustrations. I'd never heard of him before but i'll be checking out his blog!
    Also this blog is awesome :)



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