
San Francisco FIDM Debut 2011

So, its a crisp Saturday morning and I'm walking up to Union Square with my friend when we pass one of the FIDM buildings. There are two ladies standing in front, much like professional salesladies, telling whoever will listen that there is a fashion show about to happen. After going through the process of filling out little information cards we got two tickets, hitched a cab up some very steep ( thank God we didn't walk!) hills, and settled into a theater-like building for some spontaneous fashion! Best way to go, if you ask me.. It must have been in the hands of the fashion gods because I brought my camera!

(make sure to click "read more" to see the rest of my coverage)

So for anyone that's never been to a debut show, its basically a show were specially picked design seniors showcase their first collections. There were various designers, in this case, all with different points of view. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any information on the web with the designers names, or on any of the papers I received that day, so if anyone knows that information would be greatly appreciated!

I found the collections slightly mainstream, which I have to say is a bit disappointing. Perhaps, I'm too avant-garde- but anyways I decided to show you my favorite designs overall.

The ruffle top in the previous picture is just too cute not to show you, I'd wear it in a  flash! And this baby pink gown was very refreshing! 

 I liked the color contrast in this dress and that hair!!! So chic.

And I absolutely love the texture of these pants!

Overall it was a fun experience! When isn't a spontaneous fashion show fun?

owl kisses


  1. wow this is such an amazing photo- love the movement and the light in it!

    Come follow my blog darling! xx

  2. I have never been to one of these at FDIM. I do love the pants but the ruffled dress is wow. Their is a giveaway on my blog I think you will you love, please pass by to enter.



  3. So many amazing designs <3 I love the ruffle top!

    Lost in the Haze

  4. These outfits all looked gorgeous. The ruffled details create a nice touch on the outfits.

    Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!
    SHOP: http://www.saboskirt.com
    BLOG: http://www.saboskirt.blogspot.com

  5. These are such great photos, looks like a great show! Hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving dear <3


  6. wow!!! amazing!!



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owl kisses

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