
I'm in Teen Vogue!

So, if you've followed me on Twitter or Tumblr, or you're simply an avid reader of my blog and you recognized me, then you might have noticed my excited announcement prior to this actual post...but if you haven't- here it is! The stressful night before I flew away to New York, my friend bestowed upon me the wonderful news that my picture was in Teen Vogue! I immediately recognized the picture, as its from an earlier post I did. For all those wondering, I submitted the picture through my membership as a Teen Vogue It girl. Anyways, it was actually published in this month's issue and I am truly exhilarated. Words cannot describe...

owl kisses
Follow The Chic That Happened


  1. Congrats thats amazing! You must have been so excited!

  2. SO jealous! That's amazing! And you look FAB! :D

    Ta-taa for now,

  3. That's very exciting, congratulations!!!

  4. Congrats hun, great news!!!!!!:)
    p.s. In order to celebrate its first b-day I'm having a giveaway on my blog- Glam Chameleon Jewelry necklace. Check it out, maybe u'll like it!!;)
    Jelena (glamfabchameleon.blogspot.com)


Thank you for taking the time to comment!

owl kisses

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