
Heres lookin at you kid

 Today has been an utterly peachy keen day! I awoke with grand news from the people at Bloggers Wardrobe ( more to come on that later). Anyhow this outfit is probably the one I have put the least amount of thought into in a while. You just can't beat a good great pair of jeans and a clean cut shirt- of course- this shirt has its quirks. All the reason to love it more! Anyways, I realize I haven't promoted this too much- but I do in fact have a Facebook page for my blog. Feel free to like or don't ( if only I could figure out how to center the darn thing!)

                     Thinking about dying my hair a chestnuty color. Penny for your thoughts.

owl kisses

Follow The Chic That Happened


  1. I love this complete denim look, it suits u so good!!! I also think chestnut color would look really good and warm on u!;) Thank u for your lovely comment on my blog, hope u'll drop by again...:)
    Jelena (glamfabchameleon.blogspot.com)

  2. hi there, check out my blog http://mwanwan.blgospot.com,will love you to follow it if u like
    love from Hong Kong

  3. Fabulous outfit, I adore your necklace. :)

    The Cat Hag
    Join My Giveaway

  4. Lovely shoes and necklace! :)

    Come check out my latest LV video? It's so much fun :D!

  5. I like your simple / chic outfits. This one is classic and sophisticated.


Thank you for taking the time to comment!

owl kisses

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