
Now its New York....

So....shall I tell you the story exactly as it unraveled?

Let's say its....September 2 and I am in no mood to get up (i.e. pajamas, extreme bed head, nestled next to my hot pink Vaio). Morning routine requires that I check my e-mail and  lo and behold there is an e-mail from Teen Vogue congratulating me on my acceptance into this year's program! I'd be lying if I said I didn't scream. What was a lazy morning quickly turned into a proactive one as I ran to make sure I could actually get my classes before they filled up. The next month would prove extremely stressful as packing became an issue and of course when one thing stresses you out- somehow everything else does too! Yet, last week I landed into New York ( my first time in the Big Apple) with clothes nearly spilling out of my carry-on and severe New Yorker gusto. 

Times Square

( please excuse the quality of some of my pictures- blame it on my point-n-shoot)

My first day in New York was spent frolicking the infamous avenue known as Broadway- well frolicking as best as possible in a sea of people. Either way, it was absolute bliss. Oh and lets not forget cruising the Hudson- which is how I got such a lovely shot of the Brooklyn Bridge!

The actual Teen Vogue Fashion U post is soon to come so stay tuned!

owl kisses

Follow The Chic That Happened

1 comment:

  1. cool ! you look fab!

    xoxo from rome


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owl kisses

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