
For the hundreth time!

Wow! I can't believe this is actually my 100th post! I've actually been  blogging for about a year now! I guess this "newbie" blogger title just won't do anymore, though I'd hardly call my self a professional- this has been quite a ride! Speaking of wild rides....the sales this last weekend weren't too crazy, but the people sure were! Yikes! I found these amazing Sam Eldelman heels over the weekend and it prompted a product styling shoot- as learned from my days at the Academy in SF.  Before you dare to click on and see the rest of my "catalog" inspired pictures, let me tell you why this pointy faux snakeskin heel is this next month's "it" item:

Reason 1: The curved in heel. I loved this trend from 2007 and I recently read that it's come back this Fall-either way its a wonderfully quirky, yet subtle detail to a shoe. ( See picture below for one of my favorite shoes, featuring curved in heels, from the 2007 Prada collection and also some Walter Steiger heels that are too phenomenal!) 

Reason 2: The back of the upper heel curves in and then up, like a little hill. This also makes the shoe more comfortable.

Reason 3: The point. I am not one for pointy shoes, in fact, I hate them because I always thought it made feet look too long, but I just can't hate this one! Sam Eldelman did a wonderful job  of crafting these shoes, after all its all in the details.

And now, if you'd dare you can see how I would have product styled these shoes and the process I went through!
(click"read more")

The above picture was one of my first shots, I love that a close-up can really show you details like the texture of the shoe.....

Now for some Before & After's





Finally, Before:


( sometimes, keeping it simple is the best way to go!)

I had forgotten how much fun product styling is! What's been your favorite "it" item this Fall?

owl kisses
Follow The Chic That Happened


  1. Anonymous11/29/2011

    Wow very beautiful shoes!!!!!kiss

  2. I love this, you always have great posts and
    your style is amazing.
    check out my blog if you have time :)


  3. congrats on your 100th post!! Fabulous shoes, great spotting on those heels!


  4. Congrats on the 100th post! Just discovered your blog on bloglovin, and am definitely going to be following you now! xxx


  5. Congrats lady!I'm a new follower :D
    ps.your blog's title is hilarious!i like it!


  6. Dear Audrey,

    Thank you ever so much! You are the first person to get my title!

    owl kisses

  7. wow i love the shoes! such a simple yet chic silhouette!
    lovely blog!

  8. Congrats on your 100th post and one year of blogging!!! Very nice shoes!


    PS: Beautiful silk scarf giveaway on my blog, please pass by to enter!



Thank you for taking the time to comment!

owl kisses

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