
Blogger Interview: the cool girl

Meet Arianna, the quintessential cool girl and author behind COOL GIRL STYLE. After being an avid follower of her blog for a few months, I got to meet her at TVFU 2011. If anything she was one of the most well-dressed, well-versed, and ambitious girls I got to meet! Meeting in her person only cemented the idea that I had to interview her for my monthly "Blogger Interview". She runs a very professional, unique, and original blog and I most definitely recommend it! 

(To read the interview, click "Read more")

How would you describe your style?

My style would definitely be eclectic! I can't just stick to one thing... somedays it will be boho, others I will be channeling edgy or girly. It just depends on my mood. 

What would you say is the process for you, when you are putting together an outfit?

Well, I start with the shirt or dress and add the accessories last. 

  Where do you find inspiration?

Sometimes I will have an idea in the back of my mind, like preppy for example, and then I will try to style my outfit around that theme. 

  I know you’d like to be a designer one day. At this time, how you do you see your design aesthetic? (i.e. your specific point of view. Knitwear, gowns, etc.)

Hmm... My designs are very very feminine and LOTS of chiffon! But I don't concentrate one thing, I usually sketch the look from top to bottom shoes, bags and all. But... if I had to concentrate on one design it would be gowns.

Imagine you have an unlimited budget, what would be the first thing you would buy?

D&G Chiffon Floral Maxi Gown from the Spring 2011 RTW Show (click me) This dress reminds me of a floral gown I had as a little girl- brings back childhood memories! 

Do you have a quirky talent or anything that is unique to you?
I am ambidextrous! I can write with both hands!

  Where would you like to be in ten years?
A fabulous Paris apartment designing Haute Couture!

  How did you start your blog?

Description: 8)I started as a Fashion Guru on Youtube and then one of my old friends introduced me to blogging and it just evolved from there. 

What is your ultimate goal for your blog?
Recognition! I work hard on every post I make. So much thought and time goes into it, and the more viewers that enjoy it, the more gratification I get!

What advice could you give any new bloggers?
My advice would be to be to focus on one thing. Don't do food, fashion, and life lessons etc. Stick with that one "thing" you love and stay true to it. 

I do believe she found the perfect word for her style: cool. Make sure to check out her blog!
owl kisses

Follow The Chic That Happened


  1. wow nice post
    love your blog

    following you
    hope we can follow each other


  2. Your style is GORGEOUS. Definitely following!! hope you can check out mine as well! <3

    Cindy C.

  3. wauw amazing outfit! love the sweater.
    nice blog too pls look also at mine and become a friend too :)

    XO, Carmen

  4. Hey everybody!

    Thank you so much! Just wanted to clarify that this is not me, but a blogger I interviewed- you can check out her blog in the link I posted...

    owl kisses

  5. love her style definately chic looks

  6. Love her looks!!! She is so beautiful! Cool blog dear...I decided to follow you!
    Maybe you’ll have time to visit my blog :)

    Fashion Crazy Ball and My Facebook Page

  7. wooow great outfits!

  8. Love that leather skirt!


  9. This is such a great post - her outfits are amazing! Lovely interview too xx


  10. wow, you are beautiful! I lovelovelove youre style :) keep on blogging! fromNorway!

  11. Love the skirt!

    xo Ashleigh


  12. I love her outfits :)
    Sometimes we have simillar :)
    Gonna be your follower as well.

  13. digging your sweater!

  14. Great post. I love your blog!


  15. OMG you look amazing in this outfit!!

    You have an amazing blog! Follow each other?

    Xoxo from Italy


  16. I love her blog! She's always so chic!


  17. Love the outfits! Check out my blog <3



Thank you for taking the time to comment!

owl kisses

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