
and so i discovered le flash!

Oh there was just terrible lighting today! But alas I discovered a mechanism that instantly fixes your pictures and turns them into blog-worthy snaps! Le Flash! Anyways- in order to be a part of Bloggers Wardrobe, I need you guys to click here and like my picture (I'll post which picture you'll be looking for at the bottom of this post)

These have got to be my favorite pair of trousers, found in an aisle at a certain much loved Wasteland in Burbank. I will swear by that place! I found the most amazing things there!

What projects have you been working on?

owl kisses

ps: This is the picture you'll be liking over Bloggers Wardrobe 

Follow The Chic That Happened

1 comment:

  1. super nice!

    wanna join the BUMBLE AND BUMBLE (the model's American hair product brand) GIVEAWAY on my blog? click here: http://allegrabj.blogspot.com/2011/09/join-giveaway.html


Thank you for taking the time to comment!

owl kisses

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